Dealing with our Emotions in Healthy and Adaptive Way
If we let our thoughts and emotions take over, then our emotions control our actions and us. Instead, we should try to accept our emotions, but not let them take over our actions. Our thoughts charge our emotions, which in turn dictate how we react. Taking control of our emotions is a powerful tool. However, this does not come easy, and this does not mean we should ignore how we feel.
We should accept how we feel because our emotions are valid. Instead of reacting based on those emotions in the moment, take some time to assess if the situation warrants a severe response, or if there is a better way to react. Emotions are not facts. The best way to figure this out is by taking some time to process. This process will hopefully lead to accepting the emotions and identifying and labeling those emotions. If we do not take the time to process how we feel, these emotions may bottle up and come out in a way that we did not intend.
It is important once we identify the emotions we feel to try and figure out the root. Our emotional reactions come from the thoughts and beliefs we have about a situation, so the root is our thoughts. Ask yourself this question; what is the core thought and belief that is charging my current emotion? Once this thought is identified you can figure out if you have enough evidence to support this thought.
These steps may seem complicated, but once we are able to do this process, we can take back control of our emotions. Once we have control over our emotions we are able to respond better and have positive interpersonal relationships.
“To stop feeling would be to stop thinking. Our emotions are a big part- maybe the biggest part- of what makes us human.”- Dr. Marc Brackett