Psychiatric Evaluations
Montgomery, Bucks & Delaware County PA
Psychiatric Evaluations
While none of us fit neatly into a box, a psychiatric evaluation can often highlight specific needs that arise for us. A psychiatric evaluation can benefit you in several ways - perhaps this guides your work in counseling, helps you name some of the experiences you’ve had thus far, opens doors to new supports, or provides new language to express what you’ve been going through.
Our psychiatric evaluations are comprehensive and assess for various psychosocial areas including concerns that you’ve been experiencing, medical history, family dynamics and living situation, along with others that might impact how you’re feeling and functioning. We like to think of our psychiatric evaluations as a delicate gathering of puzzle pieces that can aide in the assembly of your vision for yourself. Following your evaluation, you can expect to gain some clarity around how you’ve been feeling and receive a diagnosis to promote your journey forward. For your initial psychiatric evaluation, we provide a 90-minute evaluation to ensure that we are able to start assembling all of the puzzle pieces together.
For our teen (and younger) clients, we encourage parents to join for the beginning portion of the evaluation to provide some additional insight and get to know the medical team. After this, we aim to empower our clients under 18 to be able to share openly in their own space, then ask parents to return at the end of the evaluation to discuss any recommendations and next steps. In order to be involved in your child's care, we ask that all clients over 14 years old sign off on a written consent form prior to start of evaluation.
Psych Evals Ambler, Doylestown, Spring House, Wayne PA
Getting started with our teletherapy services is really simple and can be done in 3 easy steps!
We like to think of our psychiatric evaluations as a delicate gathering of puzzle pieces that can aide in the assembly of your vision for yourself. Following your one hour evaluation, you can expect to gain some clarity around how you’ve been feeling and receive a diagnosis to promote your journey forward.
While none of us fit neatly into a box, a psychiatric evaluation, or “psych eval”, can often highlight specific needs that arise for us. A psychiatric evaluation can benefit you in several ways - perhaps this guides your work in counseling, helps you name some of the experiences you’ve had thus far, opens doors to new supports, or provides new language to express what you’ve been going through.
Our psychiatric evaluations are comprehensive and assess for various psychosocial areas including concerns that you’ve been experiencing, medical history, family dynamics and living situation, along with others that might impact how you’re feeling and functioning.