Stop Sabotaging Therapy (Part 1)
DeeC Digital Solutions DeeC Digital Solutions

Stop Sabotaging Therapy (Part 1)

You’re finally here. Months or even years of contemplation and you’ve made the brave step towards calling a therapist and making an appointment.

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Changing like the Colors of the Leaves
Kelsi Kelsi

Changing like the Colors of the Leaves

Alright, alright, we’ll finally admit that fall is here. Our bodies really have a hard time keeping up with visual cues that seasons are shifting while temperatures can still tip toe their way into the 80s. One thing is for sure - the sun is rising later and setting earlier. Pros: maybe we can sleep in just a tad longer without the sun signaling our sleep cycles to WAKE UP. Cons: we maybe have a 6pm bedtime now, right when the sun goes down.

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